Monday, March 18, 2013

What's Your Escape?

What is your escape during stressful times? This is mine . . . DOVE dark chocolate.  Not milk chocolate and definitely not Hershey's! Hershey's is far too grainy. It has to be dark and it HAS to be DOVE. I know it's probably wrong to turn to a food when I'm stressed, but come on! A girls got to do what a girls got to do. In a perfect world I would turn to Zumba or Hot Hula which I do do 6 days a week, but who has the time to drop everything when something comes up to go and do that.  Case and point . . . we put in an offer on a house. It's a 1940's house with charm and character. However it's at the top of our budget. Tomorrow is the inspection and if he find's anything major wrong with the house we're pulling the plug. So all day I've been stressing. So what do I do . . . pop one of these little beauty's in my mouth. It's smooth and creamy and for a moment I feel all of my cares wash away. Even if it's for just a moment its enough of a moment to provide some relief and then I can go on with my day.
So what's your escape?

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