Thursday, April 18, 2013

Oil Pulling

So here is something I never pictured myself doing, but here I am writing about oil pulling. So what is oil pulling you ask? Well, let me tell you! In a nutshell, oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic method for detox and rejuvenation. Traditionally, oil pulling was done with sesame oil, but I like using coconut oil because of it's antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and enzymatic properties. Right now I am using the oil pictured below which is already in liquid form, but you could totally use the solid coconut oil you get at the store and just let it melt in your mouth. I also like to add just a couple of drops of melaleuca oil to my coconut oil so I am reaping the benefits of the melaleuca oil as well. It's also important to note that you can oil pull at anytime of the day, but the best time to do it is in the morning before you eat or drink anything. This is to ensure a more thorough detox. Now here is the crazy part! You have to swish it in your mouth for 20 minutes! I know! I know! It sounds like a crazy amount of time, but I promise, it's not so bad. This is what I do. I take a teaspoon of oil and a couple drops of melaleuca and put it in my mouth and start swishing. And then I get ready for the day. I take a shower, get dressed, do my hair, makeup, make my bed, etc. The important part is to stay busy. If you stay busy you don't even realize what you are doing and the time will fly by. Once the 20 minutes is over I spit it out. DON'T SWALLOW IT!! SPIT IT OUT! It's full of toxins, remember? Make sure if you are using regular coconut oil that you spit it out in the trash so it doesn't later clog your pipes and you end up with a big mess! Then after you spit it out, brush your teeth and call it a day. Below I will post some of the benefits of oil pulling, but here are a couple that I've noticed. My sinuses don't hurt anymore! I haven't had a stuffy nose since I started using doterra's oil regimen for allergies, but I still had a little residual sinus pain. It seems like every time I do this, now this is kind of gross, but it actually pulls out mucus from my sinuses! CRAZY! Since I've been doing it my sinuses have not been hurting! Also, I feel like my skin looks better and my teeth feel dentist clean after each pull, which I do everyday in case you were wondering! Give it a try! It can't hurt! 

Health benefits of oil pulling
Studies show that this simple cleansing process can whiten teeth, strengthen gums, and help heal and prevent oral health issues such as:
  • Cavities and gingivitis
  • Plaque
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Dryness of lips, mouth, and throat
Other benefits of oil pulling 
Oil pulling is also used to treat and prevent health conditions beyond the mouth. Some of the benefits may include:
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Seasonal allergies relief
  • Headache relief
  • Reducing chest congestion
  • Detoxifying the body of harmful metals
  • Certain skin conditions like eczema
  • Supports healthy kidney function
  • May relieve ulcers and diseases of the stomach

1 comment:

  1. I did this once with doTERRA's On Guard for a sore throat....LOVE doTERRA. :) I'm a consultant...


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