Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Math Help for the Homeschooler AND Public Schooler

So a Zumba friend of mine, who happens to be a public school teacher, gave me a great resource tip. It's a FREE website called xtramath. It's a website dedicated to drilling those basic math facts that are so very important. 
So here's what you do! You go the website and click the sign up button. After filling in just a couple items of info you then can add each child separately where they will receive their own pin number. After signing up, your child can go in and do an assessment to establish a proper beginning point. After that they go in and start doing drills. They are timed and the website will chart their progress to show if they are improving. The kids can see this chart and enjoy watching the graph move upwards and it pushes them to do better so the graph doesn't fall. You as a parent or teacher can also monitor their progress. 
For a FREE program it's pretty great! If your kids are anything like mine and LOVE computer time, this is a great program. You might be surprised when your kids ask if they can do xtramath on a regular basis! Here is the link

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