The girls had a couple of friends over the other day and my oldest wanted nothing more than to do a beauty salon complete with painted nails. I told her she had to find a way to do it where it wouldn't get on the carpet, bathroom floor, or bathroom counter. She was a little deflated, but was determined to find a way to make it happen. This is what she came up with.

It worked perfectly! And I love the name she came up with for the salon. Nails and Beauty at Your Duty.

The finished product. I thought her friend picked the perfect color to match her shirt. They had such a fun time and I am so glad that my kids have such good friends to play with. We have been truly blessed since moving here to find a homeschool family that has kids all the same ages as ours and goes to the same church as us. They even have a similar homeschool philosophy . . . AWESOME!!!
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